Pupils joining F2 in Sept 2024

Welcome to Oxton St Saviour's F2 Class (Horse Chestnut)*

To All Parents with F2 September 2024 offers,

Thank you for choosing Oxton St Saviour’s as your child’s first school. The start of a child’s school journey is such an important one and we will take every step possible to make sure your child gets the very best from us in terms of nurture, support, education and opportunities.

Here are some key dates coming up (emailed on 17.5.24):

Parents Welcome Meeting: Tuesday 18th June at 5:00 p.m.

We will be holding a welcome meeting for parents only in the school hall. This informal gathering will enable you to meet with myself, members of SLT and the F2 team to gain sufficient information that will make the transition into school as smooth as possible. A new starter pack will

be available for you to take home. As part of the DFE registration process, school must see your child’s original birth certificate - please bring this with you on this date.

Teddy Bear’s Picnic: Thursday 27th June at 4:00 p.m.

We would like to invite your little one, along with two adults i.e. parents or grandparents, to a Teddy Bear’s Picnic, which we will be hosting on the school field/playground. This fun event is for all new F2 families and is another great way to introduce your child to our school. There will be refreshments available but please feel free to bring your own healthy snacks. Don’t forget to bring along a picnic blanket (if possible) and of course teddy too!

Pupil Induction Morning: Wednesday 3rd July

We will welcome your child in an introductory session when they will have the opportunity to meet their new teacher Miss Shields, explore their new classroom and meet with new friends. We hold this induction in two sessions by splitting the class as this allows the F2 team to get to know the children in a smaller group setting. The first half (session a) is scheduled for 9:00-9:45 am and the second session (session b) is 10:15-11:00 am. Your child's allocated session has been emailed, however, if you need to double check which one your child is booked in to, then please do not hesitate to contact the school office. We ask that parents don't stay on site for this period of time - but worry not, we will ensure your child is settled and safe.

September 2024 (the fun begins...)

  • Wednesday 4th September - All F2 children start school at 9:00 am and finish at 11.30 am.

  • Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September - All F2 children start school at 9:00 am and stay for lunch. Parents to collect at 1:15 pm

  • Monday 9th September onwards - All F2 pupils start school full time 8:45-3:15 pm.

*All classes at OSS are named after trees due to the wonderful wooded site the school is situated on!

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