What's happening in science?
Try some of our new challenges for Summer with the STEAM activities provided below.
Prepare to be amazed!
Each half term, we will add files below of exciting Marvin and Milo Science activities which are quick and easy to do at home.
If you want to share your Science, email us at We'd love to see what you've been doing!
Science Ambassadors
Online learning:
Files to Download
OSS STEAM project Spring Wordsearch 30 days wild ideas 30dw bee poster OSS STEAM project Autumn 04 - Marvin and Milo - Spinning Eggs 01 - Marvin and Milo - Straw Water Gun 03 - Marvin and Milo - Soap Sculptures 02 - Marvin and Milo - Forceful Comb OSS - STEAM -environment-project. 06 - Marvin and Milo - Lava Lamp.pdf 05 - Marvin and Milo - Sew an Ice Cube.pdf