Reception - Horse Chestnut Class: Gallery
Blubber Experiments, by Miss Morton
Reading Buddies, by Miss Morton
A Christmas Treat!, by Miss Down
Rock Steady Concert, by Mr Heard
Remembrance Service, by Mrs Stewart
Labeling our construction, by Miss Morton
Initial sounds, by Miss Morton
Composition of numbers to 5, by Miss Morton
Matching and sorting, by Miss Morton
Mark making, by Miss Morton
COOL Time, by Miss Morton
Listening skills, by Miss Morton
Baby photographs, by Miss Morton
Baking cherry buns, by Miss Morton
Tapestry Time, by Miss Morton
Learning to roll and catch a ball, by Miss Morton
Welcome to Reception!, by Miss Morton
Drawing Club, by Miss Morton
Making doubles!, by Miss Morton
Measuring dinosaurs using multi-link cubes, by Miss Morton
Painting dinosaurs!, by Miss Morton
RNLI Assembly, by Mrs Wilkinson
Virtual zoo camera, by Miss Morton
Maths - making patterns, by Miss Morton
Releasing our butterflies, by Miss Morton